Diabetes is among the common diseases that severely affect your organ systems, including the kidney, heart, and other essential ones.
To curb this condition, a balanced diet is extremely important in daily basis of diabetics, especially the ones with type 2. Besides, you also have to take an adequate amount of water as well as regular exercise every day to effectively control the condition of diabetes.
Additionally, some superfoods should be also included in the food list as they are highly effective in stabilizing the blood sugar levels as well as inhibiting the insulin resistance.
Let’s explore top superfoods for diabetics.
1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is believed to have the ability to stimulate the glucose metabolism and balance the cholesterol levels in the body. This has been confirmed in various studies due to a reduction in blood glucose levels in diabetics who has a regular intake of cinnamon on daily basis. Moreover, the subjects also show a positive result in insulin sensitivity, which is a good sign for the condition of diabetes.
2. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are enriched with fiber, potassium, the antioxidant beta-carotene and vitamins like vitamin A and C. All these substance work well together to reduce the blood sugar levels in the body. Leave the skin on while cooking potatoes as most of nutrients concentrate next to it.
3. Beans
Beans are another good choice for your daily diet to reduce the symptoms of diabetes. This benefit comes from the content of protein, potassium and magnesium. Furthermore, the other nutrients in beans also have the ability to improve the digestive function and balance the blood sugar levels after meal.
You can add beans into your daily meal in various ways such as soup, salad, other side or even main dishes.
4. Spinach
Being rich in insoluble fiber, vitamin C calcium and magnesium, spinach, on the contrary, have a really low content of calories and carbohydrates. Together, all these substances make a good combination to improve the condition of diabetes. This has been confirmed in various studies when they found positive results in people with a regular consumption of spinach.
You can also use other dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, mustard green to make your daily meal more delicious and diverse.
5. Berries
For those who are struggling with the symptoms of diabetes, an appropriate supplement of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants is necessary to control the situation. Fortunately, these substances are abundant in berries. Furthermore, the fiber content in the fruit like strawberries, black berries, etc. will help to fulfill the stomach, inhibiting the craving sugar.
Besides, this is also a great remedy to reduce the risk of developing cancer and heart diseases. Try to add more berries into your daily meal to improve overall health, especially the condition of diabetes.
6. Fish
The rich content of omega-3 fatty acids makes fish an ideal superfood for diabetics. Also, this food is packed with protein, which is a great alternative solution for almost types of red meats.
2 times a week is highly recommended for you to have fish, especially cold-water fatty fishes, including salmon, halibut, mackerel, tuna and so on.
7. Whole grains
With the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, folate, magnesium and other nutrients, whole grain enable the body to self-balance the blood sugar levels. Plus, these substances can function effectively to lower the blood pressure and the bad cholesterol in the body.
8. Nuts
The next superfood that can help you in the fight against diabetes is nuts. This is a great source of vitamins, fiber, minerals and healthy fats. All these elements are essential to ease the symptoms of diabetes, including inhibiting the insulin resistance and balancing the blood sugar level.
Try to add more nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. into your daily basis. For better effect, all kinds of nuts should be soaked in water overnight to neutralize the enzyme inhibitors.
9. Olive oil
Olive oil has been used for ages to treat various beauty problems of skin, hair and oral health. What people might not know about is this oil also has the ability to prevent and control the condition of diabetes. This is due to the antioxidants, monounsaturated fats in the olive oil, which can reduce the insulin resistance and keep the blood sugar levels in stable levels.
This is also a good solution to help with the heart diseases prevention and weight loss, which are the dangerous consequences of diabetes.
Olive oil is easy to consume in various ways like a salad dresser or a source for meat and veggies. It is recommended to use extra virgin olive oil over the common oil.
10. Yogurt
Yogurt is the last superfood to make our list for diabetes completed. This is not only a delicious snack between the meals but also a great food-medicine to limit the insulin resistance and help with weight loss.
Additionally, yogurt contributes to the health of bones and teeth. You should choose the plain yogurt with the active culture to improve your condition of diabetes.