How to Organize Your Makeup Drawer Quickly

Do you want to know how to organize your makeup? The struggle is real. So, how can you remedy this situation? In today’s article, I am going to show you how to organize your makeup in ways that are not only easy and inexpensive, but also très chic! This article will also show you how to organize makeup drawer space, how to organize makeup brushes, and how to organize makeup in small spaces.

There is nothing more appealing than opening up a brand new makeup palette and just taking in all that perfectly pressed shimmery color! If you consider yourself a makeup lover, I am sure this statement resonates with you.

It’s really no wonder so many of us are tempted to keeping buying makeup, when the entire process is just so gosh darn appealing–from selecting the products you want, to the unboxing, to that first application of a new product, makeup is an amazingly fun and creative way to express yourself!

However, this artistic passion leaves many of us faced with a drawer overflowing with various makeup products; a makeup train case that is bursting at the seams; and an endless search for that favorite peach-plum lip stain that always seems to migrate to the very bottom of our makeup bin.

How to Organize Your Makeup

Before you head out and start buying a bunch of organizational products or a bathroom counter organizer, the first step you need to take when it comes to learning how to organize your makeup is to take inventory. Take out every piece of makeup and makeup accessory you own and lay it all out side by side. Toss out any products that are old or that you no longer use.

Sort your makeup into piles based on type of product. Put all your mascaras together, all your lip stains together, all your palettes together, etc. From there, go through each pile and put the products you use the most often in the front row and the products you use the least in the back row.

This process will help you gauge what sort of organizational materials you need and how much space you will need in order to store your supplies.

How to Organize Makeup Drawer Space

If you want to know how to organize makeup drawer space, this section is the best place to start! For most of us, drawers are a really appealing place to store our makeup because it’s an easy way to keep supplies out-of-sight, which leaves our makeup station looking clean and clutter free.

When it comes to drawers, the trick is to organize them in such a way that they can easily stay organized. The way to accomplish this is to make sure that everything has a home, and that supplies aren’t rolling around freely when you open and close the drawer.

Drawer organizers are the most obvious solution. Simply measure your drawers so you know which organizers will fit best, decide which makeup products you want to store in which drawers, and then select organizers based on their size. Also try to determine which ones have compartments that will best accommodate the shapes and sizes of your supplies.

If you are handy, building a DIY vanity is another great solution which will help give you more control over your drawer storage. You can add permanent divisions to your vanity drawers, or build your vanity from scratch and design it in a way that accommodates your inventory.

In case you are not the DIY type or if your vanity doesn’t have drawers, purchasing a separate cabinet which has multiple drawers and placing it alongside your vanity is a great solution to easily add in some drawer storage.

You could also skip the drawer organizers altogether by gluing magnetic strips to the inside of your drawers and attaching a magnet to each of your products. This method will eliminate the need for and hassle of dealing with organizers and is a way to keep products from rolling around inside the drawer without having to think much about which product goes in which compartment.

Organize Makeup Brushes Using Creativity

Organizing your makeup is a great opportunity to get crafty and creative. I find the best way to store brushes is out in the open on top of your vanity. This keeps all your brushes within easy reach throughout your makeup application process.

While a simple table top organizer designed for office supplies is always an easy and effortless tip for organizing makeup brushes, it can also be a bit boring.

Instead, use letter organizers to organize your palettes. Use spray paint or other decorations to style up the organizer to make it uniquely your own. Mason jars or tin cans can also be painted and decorated to use as makeup brush holders.

A clear plastic container can be filled with colorful rocks and pebbles which will hold up your brushes. Or adopt a three tiered food tray to add an elegant touch to your tabletop organizational display.

How to Organize Makeup In Small Space

If you live in a dorm, a small home, or apply your makeup in your bathroom instead of using a vanity, makeup organization can become quite a challenge due to the limited space.

Want to know how to organize makeup in a small space? A hanging makeup organizer is the perfect solution!

Nail polish racks and spice racks that hang on the wall are a great small-space storage solution for makeup. You can buy hanging caddies, or DIY your own using cute tin pails and some pretty looking rope.

A hanging shoe holder is also a great option! Put your small-space woes aside and use up that vacant wall space with a hanging makeup organizer.

Final Step: Start Organizing!

Once you have taken inventory of your supplies and decided which organizational tools will work best for you, all that’s left to do is start organizing! If you have a large makeup collection, this could even be a fun activity to do with a friend or sibling.

However you decide to organize, I hope these tips and tricks will help you to get on the right track so that every visit to your vanity will be clutter-free every time! No longer should you be wondering how to organize your makeup, instead you will be able to tackle this head on and without stress.

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