Ovulation pain means the mid-cycle pain in women, or the so-called mittelschmerz since it happens right in their lower abdominal part. It’s mostly associated with the escape of an egg from an ovary. As it comes to everyone’s most concerned question “how long does ovulation pain last?”, you should know that this uncomfortable experience just varies from woman to woman, and it’s pretty normal to endure it for two days.
To answer this correctly, let’s discover more about the length of your ovulation pain from different angles. But before that, let’s find out more about this ‘middle’ and ‘pain’ that might come before or after the ovulation:
What is ovulation pain?
Before digging into the most concerned inquiry “how long does ovulation pain last?”, You should know that ovulation pain isn’t comfortable at all. It’s easy to spot it right on one of your abs’ sides and within the time you’ve ovulated. People call it the ovulation pain, and if you pay attention to such body changes, it feels more facile to detect other signs of ovulation happening.
For white discharge, there’s a more sensitive sense of smell showing up in the half of their menstrual period. And guess what? Some women spend a hard time with white discharge throughout the cycle.
In this post today, we’re going to explore closely at the “ovulation pain” and the best way you can use this handy information to help relieve yourself. Mittelschmerz (medical term of ovulation pain) only happens in one side, but it possibly switches to another one in the upcoming month, or simply stays on the similar side for months in one round.
And more surprisingly, not every woman would experience such a pain during the ovulation process. It’s proven that around one out of five other women would suffer this pain, and like what we thought, it can be relieved the most with Tylenol. Alright, now you can get a general idea of what the ovulation pain is, let’s move on to our most interesting part “how long does ovulation pain last?”
How long does ovulation pain last?
Are you now experiencing this sensation? It ranges from the dullest ache to the sharpest twinges that you’ve rarely had before. The pain is probably accompanied by ovulation spotting in case you don’t know.
For spotting, note that if encountering a decline in your estrogen levels, about 1 out of other ten women is said to experience the ovulation spotting in her menstrual cycle. if you want to know the length of time, you have to suffer such an uncomfortable incident. Besides, when the pain gets worse or more serious at some points of your cycle, don’t mind checking in with your health experts.
How long does ovulation pain last? It’s stated to take place right by the time, or after your ovulation process in approximately 20% of women and often lasts within a few seconds. However, regarding how long does ovulation pain last? Some studies show that this happening can take from minutes to many hours; well, who knows? It can even annoy you within 24 – 48 hours in a row!
When you’re ovulating, the egg will burst through one follicle inside your ovary and then switch through the fallopian tube to reach your uterus. As you know, during this process, the tube starts to contract. The annoying sensation you feel during this time is exactly the result of the egg that bursts through the follicle.
After that, we can spot some minor cramping when the fallopian tube tries to contract and move the egg. A bit of this cramp after ovulation for 8 – 10 days can be seen as a signal that you get pregnant, and these hurtful feelings are the implantation cramps.
Keep in mind that longer pain won’t often arrive from the ovulation itself at all, but indeed coming from your bleeding or endometriosis (it’s described as a painful experience in which the tissue lining the content of your uterus just grows out of the uterus).
The pain is caused by the stretching and enlargement of your ovary surface in the place of your follicle, or the blood leakage. Besides, it also occurs due to the enzymes dissolving completely the external wall of the ovary that circles your follicle to release the egg.
So the ovaries are likely to swell and pain at the point, which is claimed to be associated with the ovarian expansion after ovulation. You can rely on ultrasound to determine this precisely if you still suspect.
Also, a few women will have one-sided irritation in the lower abs whenever they ovulate. How long does ovulation pain last in this case? Such an event occurs for 14 days before the period.
How long does cramp last before ovulation?
It’s possible to begin feeling your ovulation cramping one day right before you truly ovulate. And this pain you’re feeling before the happening would occur will be because of the egg growth in size. It’s the rise of the size that expands pressure on your follicles, so this kind of mid-cycle ache before your ovulation period.Another reason just comes from your hormonal changes you’re having this time.
How long does ovulation pain last after ovulation?
After the ovulation process has happened, the ache you’re going to feel after that would last around one day or two days. In addition to it, the entire process tends to lead to the pain that lasts about two days as a whole. There are also some other cases where your painful feeling could move on for a much longer period after the ovulation ends.
And if this is your current case, the pain might arrive from something else. Therefore, the best solution is to meet a doctor for further assistance.
Does pain happen before or after ovulation?
The cramps will be more likely to happen before and after your ovulation happening. And on two sides of the process, you would see the other processes that can trigger a few degrees of discomfort as well. By the time the ovulation takes place, women will have some hormonal changes and even the increase in the size of their eggs. It will kick-start the initial occurrences of cramps.
After the ovulation gets completed, those cramps can be felt because of the abs lining’s irritation by the blood discharge during the process. Another reason is due to the fallopian tube’s muscular motion when they try to push the egg towards your uterus.
What causes ovulation pain?
To help you fully understand, we don’t just answer the most important question “how long does ovulation pain last?” But also tell you why this irritation shouldn’t be ignored! If you have ovulation pain, then it might be due to one of these following medical elements:
- Endometriosis (a hurtful disorder in which your tissue is lining the inside of uterus grows out of your uterus.)
- Cyst (this possibly causes some certain symptoms, from cramping to bloating)
- Scar tissue (the ending result from your body’s natural healing process)
- STD (sexually transmitted disease): these are the infections moving from one person to another via sexual contact.
- Egg release (it breaks out of your follicle and moves to the uterus through the fallopian tube.)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): a hormonal disorder that makes cysts grow more on your ovaries)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): allows bacteria to get inside your vagina and then affect the reproductive organs.
- Salpingitis (the fallopian tubes’ inflammation from one particular bacterial infection)
- Ectopic pregnancy (happens when a fertilized egg decides to implant itself besides your uterus)
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): if you suffer IBS, meaning that you can have abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, and more during the cycle.
- Ovarian hyperstimulation (a type of condition in which you encounter swollen ovaries from hormone medication inside the body)
- Hurtful bloating (though it can go away on its own, you still have the bloating during the ovulation)
More importantly, when it comes to the most commonly asked question “how long does ovulation pain last?” Remember if ovulation pain takes much longer than expected (over three days), make sure to visit your doctor. Furthermore, if you have severe bleeding, or spotting along your ovulation, it’s best to seek medical assistance.
To sum up, it’s easy to realize that you’re having ovulation pain if bearing any of these symptoms:
Most common symptoms of ovulation pain
To remind you of the top issue “how long does ovulation pain last?”, we’d like to show you how that painful experience can be understood in different forms:
- Pain or ache in the lower ab, inside your hip bone.
- Pain happens around two weeks before the due date of your menstrual period.
- Pain can be felt on your left or right side, based on which ovary lets an egg escape from it.
- Pain possibly moves from one side the another, from one cycle to the next, or keeps staying on one side only for some more cycles.
- Pain sensation is different among women – for instance, it can feel like an irritating pressure, sharp aches, or annoying cramps.
- How long does ovulation pain last? Its duration ranges just everywhere from minutes to two days.
There will be no certain test going on to help you determine whether a woman experiences ovulation pain or not. It’s mainly the doctor’s diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that he just wants to make sure that none of the medical issues show up.
The whole diagnosis process would be confirmed well in case the test outcomes appear normal. Your doctor might ask you to have a diary and take note of your menstrual periods because doing so will decide if your pain truly happens at mid-cycle or not.
What are the effective medications for ovulation pain?
When a woman who has the mid-cycle pain hasn’t taken any medicine for fighting inflammation, the doctor or healthcare experts have to suggest her to take one of the pain relievers or simply prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication. As we mentioned above, especially for anyone who doesn’t have the right answer to “how long does ovulation pain last?” The pain gets serious after you see it happening every month.
So what are the best medications to help you deal with it? Birth control (contraceptive pills or over-the-counter painkillers like paracetamol) are one of the top choices you can make to dodge ovulation from occurring. These can be prescribed by your doctor. It’s fine to use pull or contraceptive implant if you want those terrible pains to stop right away.
But you have to discuss both pros and cons of these birth control pills to learn if they can make the right options for you or not. Also, you might love to chart the menstrual period for a few months before bringing it to your doctor. He or she will have a clearer picture of what’s up to you, and then come up with more effective medication.
Another good home remedy you can use here to relieve yourself is to take a hot bath, or simply use a hot water bottle. The warmth needs to cover your lower abdomen, if not, it’s alright to avail the heating packs, instead. Make sure to consult with your healthcare professional to guarantee that your ovulation pain won’t be triggered by any medical issue.
Just relax, and stop thinking about “how long does ovulation pain last?” at the moment, or your pain can become more bothersome. Rest in bed at any time you want. At the same time, don’t drink too much, or this bad habit can affect your menstrual period and even stop your ovulation, or conception.
Other ways to ease the pain
In the first place, stress is also an important reason that causes your estrogen levels to be out of balance. If you’re having high levels of stress, it’s time to find out more ways to help yourself handle better with stress. To do this successful, how about considering something like doing exercises, or following some good breathing routines evenly?
Any of these activities are strongly believed to settle your nervous system, not to mention that they can remove things from the days whenever you feel overstressed. Well, stress means that you don’t eat well, sleep well, or suffer a great pressure from your work, study, or life. Unluckily, the body can’t figure out the difference among so many types of stress.
Apart from that, relying on supplements can help, too, and we recommend you to use a combo of magnesium and Chaste-tree extract. This mixture will re-balance your estrogen and progesterone effectively as well as assist with your inflammation inside your body.
Having painful ovulation is not an easy experience, so everyone desires to know “how long does ovulation pain last?” so that they can put their worries aside soon.
Our post today will answer your most concerned issue about this mid-cycle pain. It’s obviously a sign of ovulation, but we hope that you might get some good ideas how to take good care of your body to relieve the pain, and never leaves it untreated, or the situation can get worse.