Have you ever wanted to make money online or had a passion for writing? If you feel you are a good fit in both of these categories, you may be on your way to making a good amount of money in your space-time!
The business of writing and content creation is growing daily. With more than a billion sites on the internet today, the demand for new content is never-ending. What’s even more exciting is that businesses and brands are willing to pay a lot of money for premium content. Throw time constraints into the mix, and you will find that projects like business proposals, book writing, and even academic papers are now being outsourced through job writing sites.
In today’s article, we will take a look at three different sites that are not only selling writing as a service but also allowing expert writers the ability to earn money for their skills.
TextBroker Marketplace
Every website or blog on the internet needs content. This means there is a never-ending supply of unique requests for different content, with a different range of word counts and writing styles that need to be taken care of.
Sites like TextBroker allow anyone to join their open writing marketplace site, thus allowing them to start completing writing jobs for a specific amount of money. As each writer completes new jobs, they will build up a resume and a rating. Once the individual places an article job on their site, the writer completes it, submits it through the site, then the advertiser will review, approve/deny, and Who will send payment.
It’s a great business model for both content creators and those in need of content for their sites.
Essay Writing Sites
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, time is one of the most precious things we have, and when it comes to needing to spend a few hours writing a college essay or book summary, many are looking to outsource this process.
A good example of this is cheapessay.net, which has the business model of providing cheap essays, term papers, research papers, theses, dissertations and much more. All while also offering free plagiarism checking on all writing jobs. Prices for each writing will vary based on the type of document requested and the level of education (high school, college, masters, etc.) for the individual writing the paper. At the same time, high-quality writers can join a site like cheapessay.net and get paid to write amounts for their writing services.
While the concept of the site is clear, the ethics behind it are up to the individuals ordering through the site. The one thing that is not in question is how in demand the service of content and article writing is.
Creating Content for Your Site
Another option for content creators looking for a long-term strategy is to create a site of their own. Since content is the basis for everything on the internet, if you are good at writing tutorials or review articles, you may succeed in building out your content sites than getting paid to write a few dollars to complete articles for other sites.
Also Read: Learn How to Write a Book
However, finding success with a site of your own isn’t simply a matter of creating content and publishing it to the internet. You will also need to know how to market your site, convert your audience into leads and customers while also knowing the ins and outs of SEO and how to rank in the search results.
Once all of this has been mastered, the potential is there for anyone to start making money with a site or blog of their own.
Content is King!
No matter how big or small the internet may be at any given moment, it’s the constant content creation that keeps it going. Every day billions of new articles are placed on the internet, where Who will place billions more tomorrow.
Whether you are the content creator, getting paid to write high-quality articles, or the advertiser who might be paying for them, consider all three of the options above for the best long-term results.