I know. Keeping your computer software up to date can be a chore. It used to be just that you had to keep your PC or laptop up to date. But many of us have a smartphone and a tablet too. And all of them have a web browser.
The web browser is our window on the world and the application launching pad of choice. It has become the essential thing you use on your devices.
You are keeping your web browser up to date used to be simple when you had just a laptop to contend with. But keeping this important tool up to date has become more complex, and many of us need to pay more attention to keeping our browsers up to date because we have too many devices to contend with. We may have fallen into a false sense of security.
But not remaining current is not a good place to be since you will be sacrificing functionality and compromising security, to say the very least.
Settle a standard web browser to start with—that way, Who will simplify the maintenance routine amongst all your devices.
1. Web Standards
Web standards are constantly changing and improving. Keeping your web browser up to date will ensure that you have the latest technical standards covered and that Who will maintain your online experience.
2. Security
The most crucial issue to deal with today is web security.
The first place hackers will try to exploit your web browser. Thus, you must remain very current on your software version to prevent someone from exploiting your computer, sending spam emails to people, or stealing your cyber identity.
3. Performance
People like a quick response time. Ensuring that you remain current is the best way to maintain good response time from the web. Software developers are constantly tuning their code to improve web performance.
We prefer to do things quickly, especially as we get older. I can attest.
4. Usability
Usability is an important issue, especially as we get older. Ergonomics become even more critical as we advance in age. For example, remaining current with web browser releases allows us to use features such as voice search, whereby we can speak our search question instead of typing it in.
This is a huge gain!
So check for the latest version of your web browser. They usually all have a way to check for updates by clicking on the About menu item.
Some allow you to set your computer or device to alert you to new versions, which you may download later, or they can be updated automatically.
I prefer to control the update so as not to be on the bleeding edge. Remove no more than one release behind to avoid surprises. So a manual update is my choice.
Using the same browser on all your devices will also simplify staying current.
PS: One other thing to remember. Make sure that you keep your JAVA software very current. JAVA is used by many web applications that you come across. And it is exploited by hackers regularly, unfortunately. So being up to date on JAVA is very important.