How to Change DNS on Windows 10 For Faster Browsing

Modifying the default DNS settings, e.g. implementing Google DNS servers, can bring excellent results, including faster loading websites. Here’s how to change DNS on Windows 10 environment.

The DNS address is one of the primary settings from an ISP (Internet Service Provider) when you apply for an internet connection. Usually, these settings respond slowly to the requests; and, in some cases, are unreliable. However, you can improve the browsing speed and the response of your connection by changing these settings.

So, What is DNS?

DNS (Domain Name System) is a service that allows you to fire up a web browser and load your favourite web pages and websites. Thus, they make everything easier for the end-user than they are at the back-end.

Here’s how the story goes:

All of the computers connected to the internet have IP (Internet Protocol) addresses which let them talk to each other. However, IP addresses, like, are difficult to remember. That’s where the DNS addresses step into the scenario and translate the memory-friendly domain names ( to their respective IP addresses, which computers can understand.

Almost all of us access our favourite websites by just typing the URLs, e.g.; but your computer and browser do need to know the IP address of the website that you are trying to access.

Therefore, when you type a domain name in the address bar of your browser and press the “Enter” or “Return” key, it sends a request to translate the URL into IP address to the DNS servers. As soon as a match is found, the address is sent back to the browser and voila! The page loads!

This whole process happens extremely quickly, often takes less than milliseconds. However, if the DNS settings provided by your Internet Service Provider aren’t reliable, then you can easily change them on your device.

How to Change DNS on Windows 10

In this guide, we will explain the two methods for how to change DNS on Windows 10. But keep in mind that due to the considerable similarity of the steps, you can use it to change DNS on windows seven and windows 8, as well.

Using Control Panel

1. Open Control Panel

Control Panel

2. Click on Network and Sharing Center to open it.


3. Now click Change Adapter Settings, present in the left pane.


4. Look for the network to which your device is connected. Right-click it, and select Properties.


5. Select the  Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/iPv4)  present in the list, and click the Properties button.


6. Now select the  Use the following DNS server addresses  option.


7. Type one of these preferred and alternate DNS addresses.


  1. OpenDNS addresses: (as preferred address) and (as alternate address)
  2. Google Public DNS addresses: (as preferred address) and (as alternate address)

8. Click OK.

9. Apply the new settings by clicking the Close button.

Close button


Using Command Prompt

1. Search for  Command Prompt  in the  Start Menu .

2. Now, right-click the command prompt icon, and click  Run as administrator .

3. Type the following statement in the command prompt to check the name of your network adapters, and press the  Return  or  Enter  key.

wmic nic get NetConnectionID

4. Now enter the following command to modify the DNS settings.


5. Use the following command to change the IP address of primary DNS and press the same ol’ Enter key.

interface ip set dns name=”Write the name of adapter from step 3? source=”static” address=”X.X.X.X”

Replace the X.X.X.X with the DNS address of your choice.

6. Now enter the alternate DNS IP address with the help of the following command

interface ip add dns name=”Write the same adapter name as you used in previous step” addr=”X.X.X.X” index=2

Here, change the X.X.X.X with the alternate DNS address.

Implementing DNS

Now that you know how to change DNS on Windows 10, you can easily set up your computer or laptop to use the DNS, the world’s fastest DNS service (according to DNSperf). The rest of the method to implement this DNS is the same as shown above, except that you use these preferred and alternate addresses instead of the ones mentioned above.

Preferred DNS Address:

Alternate DNS Address:

Wrap Up

Although you can use the above methods to modify the DNS settings on your computer, if you prefer a more straightforward approach, we might recommend you use software for the purpose.

Note:  As soon as you change the settings, your device will immediately use the new ones. Therefore, it is not recommended to modify the settings while working on your computer, as it may lead to connectivity issues.

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