How is Nylon Yarn Different Than Polyester Yarn?


This is a synthetic fibre that belongs to the polyester family which also helps in the production of synthetic fibre. Nylon dty dyed yarn is silk-based yarn. Through which most smooth fabric is produced. Generally, it is used in the bristles of toothbrushes, nets which are used in fishing, and tents. This yarn is used in sportswear and also active wear. One thing also noted is that the fabric is advised to be pressed at a low temperature if we use a high temperature then it will melt.



In the textile industry, synthetic fibre is derived from petroleum. Every fabric has which is shrink after washing like cotton but polyester textured yarn has shrinkage resistance properties. It is easily washed, and dry-clean. China is the largest producer of polyester then India is also in a row, Japan, Indonesia, and The US. Polyester helps in the production of jackets, trousers, and shirts which can be helpful in tough weather conditions.


How are they made?

Nylon was created in the year 1935 and the first stocking was produced and it came to fame. In the year 1940 polyester enter into market. Both are derived from petroleum. If compared with natural fibre then it’s durable and high in quality. Manufacturers take small rice grain-size palettes melt them then pass them through in spinneret which is one type of wheel then it passes through it and turns into yarn. Collection of these yarn and supply in the textile industry and other industries when several ways is used to complete daily life usage. The thicker thread is also available in the market which is used in jackets and strong.



Nylon having best property is that it absorbs power is higher and retain moisture also have with this fabric. When it was launched in the market it was not easy to handle these clothes because the yarn only comes in one type of yarn. Nowadays various types and dense properties come into this fabric which helps it more moisture abruption.

Polyester- If we compare its moisture absorption to nylon then it has lesser absorption power. Generally, it’s said that polyester is hydrophobic. That makes it more quickly dry. Swimwear is made from this yarn which helps the player to apart his attention from wet condition. Quick dressing dry water slips away from this fabric.

Feel and touch

Polyester touch is rough so when fabric is made from yarn then it’s not easy to handle. When manufacturing this yarn in a factory then one of the most expensive things is that it easily touches not so smoothly but it’s in the category of good stuff. The comfort of their apparel is now working with technology which helps these fabrics more smooth and feel good.

Nylon – nylon yarn is a silky smooth and softer fabric. Improvement in their quality and silkiness is going on smoothly which helps this fabric to get into the market with good quality. Due to its smoothness, it’s used in athletic wear, hosiery, and lingerie. The elasticity of this fabric is also famous which provides it smooth texture.


This is one of how we can check the condition of fabric when polyester burns then it starts to emit black smoke but when burn nylon it emits white smoke. When pinched the polyester after the making process then it breaks easily but nylon can’t break easily.


Polyester can easily be dyed with deep absorption of colors. In the textile industry color stays on this type of fabric even if we can dry it in direct sunlight and wash repeatedly clothes. That’s why it’s the first choice in the textile industry.

For nylon acid dye is used because that dye easily absorbs through this yarn fabric. This type of dye has a great bond with this dye but one thing should be noticed if we dry this fabric in sunlight then a larger amount of dye color is lost. Bleeding of color is not a rare thing in nylon fabric but nowadays it’s working on yarn where dye yarn is then turned into fabric that will not easily lose coloration. The strong ability of colors helps these fabrics to be more usable.


Polyester does not have as much elasticity as nylon. Movement of the body easily moves without worry about stretching of the fabric.

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