Call Centre companies specialize in offering outsourcing customer service to other companies, usually major corporations. However, for the effective call time management to be optimal, it is necessary to have a Call Centre Software that makes the task of customer service operators easier.
How a Call Center works
Call centers are an essential part of one of the most important areas within a company: customer service. It is one of the departments that are the direct link with our consumers and to which we must pay special attention.
Its operation is simple. Through the call centre software, company’s allow customers to communicate through a call to the company’s “Master” phone number. After going through certain automated attention processes, the call is sent to the first agent that is available to attend it.
The automated attention process can be carried out through two modalities: IVR and ACD. The IVR is the well-known robot that answers our calls every time we communicate with our trusted company of which we are customers. This robot will try to solve our requirement. In case it is not possible, It will redirect us with the first available agent. For its part, the ACD fulfills similar functions, but the algorithm will select the most appropriate agent to answer our call.
If all operators are busy, the system will place our call in a queue until someone is free to answer the call.
Why buy a Call Centre Software
A Call Centre Software is a CRM tool that helps improve the experience and, therefore, relationships with our customers, making communication with them simple. In addition to giving our company an increase in credibility and reliability, the Call Centre Software is designed to take full advantage of its functions and increase the productivity of the department.
Such is so possible:
- Optimize call distribution, increasing the number of managed calls.
- Monitor the management of our agents.
- Get a description of the preferences of our current and potential customers.
- Know the current status of our Call Center service.
- Synchronize our Software with other applications through cloud technology.
- And much more!
The benefits of having a Call Centre Software
Currently, companies that are dedicated exclusively to call management have multiplied. That means an increase in the competition of the sector and these companies must then provide increasingly better customer service. Here are the reasons to have a Call Centre Software with cloud-based technology.
You save money
Many of the Call Center facilities within your company will require equipment, hardware and parallel networks that require a large implementation and maintenance investment. However, with a Call Centre Software in the cloud, this will not be a problem. Practically, the initial investment, installation, and maintenance costs disappear, since you will only pay the positions and the flat rate for calls. Also, thanks to its multiple functionalities, it is possible to hire remote agents anywhere in the world, resulting in the reduction of personnel costs.
Increase information security
As an administrator of a Call Centre Software, you can control the access permissions of each agent’s information. In this way, you can establish the necessary restrictions to reduce the risk of one of your operators taking some information when leaving the company. Additionally, the risk of a system crash (a weakness that hackers take advantage of to steal information), is also diminished by a large percentage by being hosted in the cloud.
Improve customer loyalty
There is a directly proportional relationship between the service provided to the client and their level of loyalty. The more effective the customer service, the more faithful to our organization. Therefore, it is important to implement a Call Centre Software so that our service meets the needs of our customers. Remember that a happy consumer is your first marketing agent.
It favors decision making
Being a fairly complete solution, the Call Centre Software is designed to have much more complex functions than managing calls and information. It will allow you to have a complete vision of the state of the service, such as the levels of quality, productivity, and performance of the business, through statistical reports that will facilitate the selection of the most accurate decision.
Updates without investment
Being based in the cloud, the Call Centre Software is easier to update. Each time the service provider modifies the system, either to improve some functionality or to implement a new service, the update will be available to you immediately, without the need to pay extra for maintenance.
When choosing a Call Centre Software provider, we recommend that you perform the corresponding validations. Many fake companies use this type of software to steal information. Others, such as Neotel, have safety and compliance certificates, which will give your company greater peace of mind to offer a better service to your customers.