(Search Engine Optimization )SEO in brief is the process of building traffic from organic search results. It is based on optimizing pages for the search engine (e.g., Google’s algorithms) and building so-called authority. Thanks to Eskimoz, you can climb the ranks of search engines easily
SEO is also called optimization and positioning. It is an interdisciplinary field, which includes issues from the borderline of IT (front-end, back-end web development) and marketing (PR, web writing, targeting).
In addition, practical SEO activities require a cross-cutting knowledge of web analytics. SEO basics are easy to learn and require no special experience or directional education. However, achieving proficiency requires time to assimilate knowledge and practical experience.
SEO / SEM and other misconceptions.
In general, in the world, SEO is the whole process of building visibility and gaining traffic from free search results (from the so-called SERP, or Search Engine Result Page). SEO is about influencing all the factors that improve ranking and visibility, not just optimizing the site’s construction. This sometimes needs clarification.
A similar situation applies to the terms SEO and SEM, which are treated separately as activities in free results (SEO) and advertising in paid results (SEM), or more broadly, advertising on the Internet. It’s worth recalling that Google Ads is already much more than search engine sponsored links, as SEM specialists also often work with ads on YouTube and the Google Display Network.
Meanwhile, SEM ( Search Engine Marketing) is the totality of marketing activities that consist precisely of organic traffic and ads (often referred to in English-language sources as paid search or PPC SEM; from PPC, or pay per click, which is the basic billing model in Google Ads or Bing Ads).
What activities does SEO consist of?
SEO is a broad spectrum of on-page and off-page IT and marketing activities. In practice, the following factors may be subject to optimization:
- textual content (e.g., editing of articles, product descriptions, categories, offers),
- site structure (e.g., changing menus and other navigation elements, topic clustering, internal linking),
- Technical layer (e.g., the way the site is rendered, performance, optimization of the so-called crawl budget, adaptation for use on mobile devices, taking care of security),
- other usability and trust issues (e.g., number and presentation of ad units, clarity of content, accessibility for the visually impaired),
- Link profile (i.e., the totality of hypertext links leading to the site from other sites on the Web).
Thus, limiting SEO to code optimization (sometimes including metadata and title tags) is simply a factual error. Sometimes it is even said – optimization of the site for SEO – which clearly indicates that optimization is only a component of a larger whole, a more extensive process.
Link building, i.e., acquiring positioning links, is also an essential element of SEO (in the long run, a key one). However, it is worth remembering that capacious phrase optimization and positioning are used in nomenclature to describe the totality of these phenomena.
Off-page SEO and on-page SEO.
As you can see from the list above, we can laboriously divide SEO factors into those related to the site itself (on-page or on-site, meaning on the site) and those off-page (off-page or off-site, meaning literally off the site). The different factors also interact with each other, and various combinations of them should be taken into account. What’s more, the factors depending on the niche (specific keyword) may have different weights and importance.
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