Mini Militia Rank Hack With Skill Easily

In Mini militia, rank and skill LVL symbolizes how professional a player you are. There are achievements in your game centre or google play profile for every level. The position is based on your exp.

Where EXP is based on your total kills and how many battles you have played. And skill is based upon your total kills and deaths. The max skill LVL you can get is 99, and the highest rank is “Commander In Chief.”

But getting max skill level and the highest rank is very tough. If you are playing mini-militia, you may know how tough it is. But if you want, you can get them quickly with some easy steps. Yes, you have heard right.

You can get them quickly. Today I will show you how you can hack rank and skill level. I will demonstrate methods for both android and ios.

Rank & Skill Hack In Ios

To hack rank and skill in ios, you must have your device jailbroken. However, it’s very easy to mini militia rank hack and skill hack. First, you have to follow the method below step by step.

  1. Go to Cydia and add the source
  2. Search and install the file tweak. The file with the question mark icon is free.
  3. After installing file ,go to  /var/mobile/applications  . There will be many folders there. Find the folder which contains the dam. app 
  4. Open 56E3….E34 folder > Library > Preferences .
  5. Now go to Edit com.chatdown.da2.plist  with a Text editor.
  6. Now search  LBKey.experience .earned.  You may find some codes, like the image below.
  7. Change the Value of 1of the above image to change experience to as much as you wish, increasing or decreasing your rank.
  8. Change the Value of 2 of the above image to change the total kills to as much as you wish, increasing or decreasing your skill level.
  9. Now save the settings by a tap on Done. 

Now we have successfully hacked your skill and rank. Look at my profile now.

Mini-Militia Rank Hack And Skill In Android

Hacking rank and skill in an Android device are also easy, like an ios device. The methods are almost the same. To use this method, You must root your device and install root explorer. Just follow them step by step: –

  1. Open root explorer , go to root folder > data > data > com.appsomniac.da2 > shared prefs .
  2. There you will find  Cocos2dxPrefsFile.xml 
  3. Hold it and select ” open in a text editor.”
  4. Then you will find a text page with Codes.
  5. Change  “Lakey. Kills”  Value to change your total kills. Your total kills will be the same as their Value.
  6. Change “  Lakey. Experience. Earned” Value to change your exp. Your total exp will be the same as its Value.
  7. Now save the settings and delete the previous settings  Cocos2dxPrefsFile .xml.bak. 

Now you have successfully hacked your skill and rank. Next, check your profile and Who will hack it.

Following those methods step by step for ios and android, you can easily do a mini militia rank hack and skill hack. If you face any problems, feel free to comment below.

Read More:-  Mini Militia Pro Pack Ios For Free

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