Why You Should Try the Japanese Bananna Diet

The newest trend to sweep the globe began on a Japanese social networking site. For those who utilize sites like Facebook, Twitter, and even Yahoo Answers, the commentary and reactions to articles can be just as helpful as the pieces themselves.

The Japanese certainly found one comment incredibly helpful regarding a new dieting strategy: the japanese bananna diet. Three books have been published on the diet plan so far, and even more publicity for the diet emerges each day. As bananas are accessible in many parts of the world, this new diet is highly convenient.

You can still eat!

Many people hear the word “diet” and cringe at the negative connotations. However, this is a diet for the non-dieters and food-lovers. You can snack and eat meals as you normally do—the only thing that changes is breakfast. Miss breakfast food? You can have breakfast for dinner!

The plan

Morningbanana.com (yes, there is a website dedicated solely to information about this diet) suggests the following steps in order to achieve weight loss:

1. Eat a raw banana for breakfast.

Cooked or frozen bananas do not have the same effect.

2. Eat normally for lunch and dinner, eliminating dessert.

The only catch here is the amount of food you eat. Many people who readily have access to food will eat until they feel full, but the diet discourages this habit. Satisfaction and fullness are two distinctly different feelings, and the diet suggests eating until you no longer feel hunger.

In order words, the fun feeling of gorging on turkey and stuffing during Thanksgiving should be limited to a once-a-year family food coma instead of practiced as an everyday habit. Also, be sure to eat dinner before eight o’clock (preferably around six).

3. All water should be consumed at room temperature and in small sips—the water should not be utilized to “wash down” food.

One theory about why this tip works is that humans used to access clean drinking water from streams and other natural sources, likely eating and drinking separately due to the location of water.

The diet suggests that water should not be drunk in excess, contradicting the usual recommendation of eight glasses per day.

4. Mindfully eat your food.

Whether or not this tip leads to weight loss, it certainly helps people stay in the moment. When you’re busy with work, children and other daily activities, you may forget to savor the flavors of food. Perhaps this increased mindfulness could lead to feeling fuller more quickly.

5. Go to bed early.

This tip remains is common to japanese bananna diet plans, as circadian rhythms play a huge role in metabolism. When organs have time to rest and regain strength, organs like the adrenal glands can function properly.

The diet suggests that there should four hours between eating dinner and falling asleep and that you should forego bedtime snacks.

6. Exercise is optional.

Again, this contradicts many popular diet trends. However, this diet considers how the body feels at all times. If you feel up to a workout, then try to exercise, but don’t strain your body even further if you’re already exhausted.

7. Journal your progress.

This can be extremely beneficial and motivating if done online, sharing progress with other people makes it more exciting to continue the diet on a daily basis.

How it works

WebMD claims there is no proof that the diet actually works. However, this perspective comes from the medical community, not the online community of dieters that appears to have witnessed the positive effects of the diet. Until published studies have been conducted on the diet, the medical community will likely maintain their skepticism.

Some of the above instructions are just common sense. For example, eating less will naturally lead to weight loss (if done in a healthy manner), and enjoying what you eat while living in the moment may lead to a reduced need for food.

So, why eat japanese bananna diet? Research has yet to address the specific benefits of this tactic. However, if it leads to weight loss for close to a million people and counting, then why not try it?

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