There are now more things to be afraid of than ever before when it comes to the modern world. That being said, more doctors can help identify and treat phobias. A patient may be diagnosed with a few different types of phobias, and each has its own specific and unique set of symptoms and characteristics that help doctors identify what needs to be treated.
Phobias With People
The first class of phobias is those that have to do with people. These can range from something as simple as shyness or fear of people to something as difficult to describe as an irrational fear of people of one type or another.
Androphobia, for instance, is a fear of men, while Gynephobia is a fear of women. Anthropophobia, for example, is a fear of people or society in general. These fears are generally difficult to deal with and make it near impossible for those suffering to be with others.
In some cases, these phobias can make it impossible to work with other people, while other phobias that fall under this class make it difficult but not impossible to function. Another fear that falls under this class is something like Anuptaphobia which is the fear of being single. Many fears fall into this category, which makes it most difficult for people to function in proper society.
This type of phobia makes it difficult to function around other people, which is essential in society. These types of phobias can often make it near impossible to hold down jobs, work with others, and even be around family members. This type of phobia is what most people need to seek help for.
Though other phobias can result in undue stress and trouble for the sufferer, you can still function to a certain point. If you fear clowns, for instance, Coulrophobia, you can avoid clowns, but you cannot avoid people. This type of phobia is one that doctors most commonly help sufferers get disability support for.
Fear of Objects
Another class of fears is those of objects. For instance, a fear like Dextrophobia, the fear of objects at the right side of the body, can make it difficult to function in a setting that the sufferer did not construct. On the other hand, the fear of food, Cibophobia can make it incredibly difficult to exist.
This fear can make it impossible to eat, hard to swallow, and even harder to flourish and live. This type of fear is hard to work with and needs to be taken care of for the sufferer to live. This type of fear is generally hard to deal with but not impossible.
Who can avoid other fears of objects like Cyclophobia, the fear of bicycles as well? Any number of fear of objects can make functioning in the real world difficult, but not wholly impossible.
In most cases, Who can treat fear of certain objects with therapy and a simple evaluation of the object in question? More often than not, a fear of an object like vestiphobia slows down the person suffering rather than arresting their progress and existence altogether.
This type of fear can generally be treated fairly and does not generally garner medication or intense therapy. In most cases, these fears can be traced back to something that has happened to a person in the past.
Fear of Animals
Another classification of phobias is, of course, fears that have to do with animals. For example, Cynophobia, the fear of dogs, makes it exceedingly difficult to function as dogs are everywhere. Elurophobia, the fear of cats, can also be quite debilitating and hard to deal with. Fear of birds is called Ornithophobia; this fear makes it quite difficult to go out in the wider world because there are so many birds.
Fear of animals makes it difficult for people who suffer to exist because animals are so prevalent. They cannot avoid those that they scare. Arachnophobia is another common fear; this is the fear of spiders.
In most cases, fear of animals makes it exceedingly hard for those suffering to exist and get jobs. You can go to therapy to help deal with these fears, but in most cases, they do not prevent those suffering from holding jobs.
This type of fear is far less common than other fears, but it is still prevalent. This type of phobia can again often be traced back to what has happened in the past. In cases where past events are to blame for phobias, therapy helps control and often squash the fear altogether.
Fear of Places
The last type of phobia we will discuss here is, of course, the fear of places. For instance, something like Claustrophobia, or the fear of enclosed or tight spaces, makes it hard for people who suffer from it to get on busses, get in elevators, or even get into cars.
Fear of houses or Domatophobia makes it hard for many suffering to live in homes or even go into homes. Another common fear of places is the fear of England, or Anglophobia is another fear that may make it difficult to function while not always found.
Another fear that falls into this category is the fear of cemeteries or Coimetrophobia. Something like the fear of schools or Didaskaleinophobia is another fear of places. Agoraphobia is another fear of places; this fear affects more people than you might think. There is an alarming percentage of sufferers in the United States alone.
This type of phobia makes it near impossible to leave home and to function in normal society. This type of fear is one that doctors often have to prescribe medication and therapy for. This is one of the most crippling fears and often leads to other phobias that make it nearly impossible to function in a proper society.
Treatment for several
There are a variety of treatment options when it comes to making life livable with phobias. A person can have any number of phobias, and if they have the right doctor and the right treatment, they can learn to function with them and even be treated for them. There are three common treatments.
The first is, of course, therapy. This can be talk therapy or even hypnotherapy, which can help those suffering deal with the phobias they are suffering from. This type of treatment can be used without medication if done properly and if the phobia is not severe enough.
Another common treatment is, of course, medication. This type of treatment is great for very severe afflictions. This type of treatment is commonly not used unless the phobia is very difficult to deal with, makes it impossible for the sufferers to function, and makes it nearly impossible to live a normal life. This type of treatment is generally not used for very mild cases that make it hard for the sufferer to function.
The last type of treatment is a combination of therapy and medication. This is only used in serious cases where therapy and medication alone cannot help remedy the issue. This type of treatment is only used when completely necessary. There have been a few studies done as to the usefulness of therapy and medication that work together.
This type of treatment is easy to use and is perfect for treating those suffering from various phobias and who need a bit of extra help. Medication and therapy together are very helpful and very effective in treating those with multiple phobias or with very debilitating phobias that make it hard to function in everyday society. With medication and therapy, those suffering can work through almost anything.
When it comes to treatment, it is always best to talk to a professional about dealing with the issues at hand. Though it may seem as though you can handle issues on your own, if you have the feeling that you are overwhelmed or that you need help, you should seek help. It is always best to have help when you have a need.
Those that are highly trained in handling phobias and how to deal with them understand what it takes to get a person back on their feet in the face of true fear. With the right help, the right treatment, and the right information, anyone can get over their phobias and lead a normal, healthy, and happy life no matter what it is that they fear.
Fear does not have to rule your life, and with the right help, anyone can be a healthy and happy member of society.