Taking a spiritual approach to the last day of the year can be much more satisfying than getting sauced and crazy. Take the opportunity to reflect on your progress, prepare your mind for a fresh start, and reaffirm what you want from life. Here are seven unique and meaningful ways to have a spiritual New Year’s Eve.
1. Invite like-minded people to spend the evening with you
Thoughtful friends, family members, and acquaintances may love the idea of spending New Year’s Eve on spiritual reflection. You can choose to incorporate many activities into your evening, but try to stick to things that make you feel positive and help inspire you.
You might consider inviting each person to share five of their most meaningful memories from the last year, bring musical instruments so you can sing favorite songs together, or set at least three major goals for 2019. Whenever anyone dwells on regrets, try to highlight a useful lesson that they can take from their experience.
2. Write a review of the year
If you keep a journal, then you may already be accustomed to a process of reviewing the past twelve months when New Year’s Eve arrives. However, anyone can benefit from pausing for an hour or two to write about their year of experience.
What did you enjoy the most? What would you like to do differently next year? If you could choose just three adjectives to describe the past year, which words would you choose?
How do you feel you have changed since this time last year? Whose presence inspired the most gratitude, and why? Answering these types of questions can give you a satisfying sense of closure and enable you to refine your goals for the coming months.
3. Practice mindfulness exercises
Whether you are alone or with friends, it can be incredibly powerful to meditate, practice Reiki (with the help of healers at https://www.
This way of spending the minutes before and after midnight allows you to center yourself, entering the New Year with a sense of calmness, optimism, and acceptance. Plus, it fosters a sense of community and shared purpose, making the experience even more meaningful.
4. Start the process of change
If you look back at the previous year’s resolutions, you might notice that you haven’t achieved some of the things you set out to accomplish before the end of the year. However, you can make a meaningful, symbolic commitment to change by starting to fulfill one of those resolutions on the final night of the year.
For example, you could have a vigorous workout as a sign that you are starting to get fit, you could email people you meant to reconnect with, or order the materials you will need to start a new hobby.
5. Volunteer
People need help every time of year, but many are reticent to give up their New Year’s Eve festivities to help disadvantaged community members.
As a result, you should be able to find a range of different types of volunteer work on the last night of the year. For example, some centers look for people to help the homeless find a safe, warm place to spend the start of the New Year, and charities may be looking for assistance when running parties to raise funds.
While you might need to dig around online or make a few calls before you find a suitable opportunity, beginning the New Year with a gesture of compassion and selflessness is a wonderful choice.
6. Spend time by yourself
Although some people might think it is depressing or strange to spend time alone on New Year’s Eve, choosing to focus on yourself can promote spiritual awareness.
Also See:- The 3 Levels of Reiki and What They Mean
You could dedicate the evening to pursuing all of your favorite relaxing activities (whether you love hot bubble baths, playing music, or watching classic movies). But, instead, your goal will be to prioritize self-care and enjoy each moment.
7. Create art
Even if you don’t consider yourself an artistic person, being creative can help you to express parts of yourself, your emotions, and your experiences that may be difficult to verbalize.
For example, art therapy enables you to access memories that predate your ability to use language. You can use paints, mixed media, pens, or collage materials (like magazines) to create one piece representing your life in the past year and one that represents your hope for the coming year.
Once again, this is a spiritual New Year’s Eve activity that Who can effectively enjoy on your own or in a group of loved ones.
Read More:- How to Practice The Attitude of Gratitude, The Reiki Way