Reasons You Need to Think Before You Ink

Discover the top reasons you should consider before getting a tattoo, Think Before You Ink!

Sometimes the most important thing people forget about when getting a tattoo is that it is permanent. Even if it is the most beautiful, well-done tattoo you have ever gotten, you may not like it in years to come. That’s why it is important to think before you ink. Try to avoid putting yourself in a situation where you will regret your choices.

Be sure to consider your budget as well. If you don’t have the money, invest your money in something more necessary. If you go through with getting a tattoo, be sure to hire a reliable professional who will do a good job. Tattoos are permanent, so make sure you think before you ink.

Consider the Price

The first thing to consider when getting a tattoo is the price. If you want a tattoo but don’t have much money, get a smaller one rather than something large and expensive. However, cheaper does not always mean better. When you go to a tattoo parlour, make sure the artist does their job well. Otherwise, your tattoos might end up looking as cheap as the price you paid for them.

Small tattoos are expensive, ranging anywhere from sixty to a hundred dollars. You can imagine the price of a large tattoo. If this is your first time, getting a small tattoo is probably in your best interest anyway since you are testing the waters. Once you have had one, you should then consider getting another. But it is always safe to start small.

Consider the Image

What you put on your body is perhaps the most important thing when getting a tattoo. If you are unsure whether you want something to be on your body permanently, consider getting temporary tattoos first, like a henna tattoo. Henna is a temporary reddish brown tattoo made from Lawsonia, originating in Africa and Asia. If you prefer to go straight to a tattoo, be sure the image you put on your body is something you are okay with seeing there for the rest of your life.

Additionally, make sure that your spelling is correct. Often, people put quotes, dates, names and the like on their bodies, but it is spelt incorrectly. You don’t want to look like an idiot with bad tattoos, so be sure to double-check your spelling. If you want to get matching tattoos with a friend, family member, loved one, etc., make sure your artist knows this so they can put an identical picture on each of your bodies.

Additionally, be sure to go to the same artist for both tattoos. People often get the same thing in different places, and they look different because each artist has their their style. To get an identical image, go to the same artist.

Consider the Artist

Make sure you are getting what you are paying for. All too often, people pay high prices for a mediocre tattoo. Getting a tattoo can be a gamble, especially if you don’t know how well the artist is. It isn’t something you can easily get rid of, so make sure you think before ink and put yourself in good hands. To make sure you go to a great artist, ask friends who have a tattoo where they have gotten theirs.

Additionally, consider checking out online reviews or ratings. The safest thing to do is go to a parlour that already has a pretty good reputation. That means that the artists some professionals will do a job well done. It might be a bit more expensive than your average parlour, but at least you will have the satisfaction of not having a bad looking tattoo.

Consider Your Future

What you put on your body now might not necessarily be something you want on your body years from now. Often, many people make rash decisions when they are young and put reckless tattoos on their bodies that they remove when they are older. Try to avoid getting a tattoo you will regret having later, such as names, dates and faces. Additionally, it would help if you thought before you ink your future career.

Most businesses will not hire people who have exposed tattoos, let alone those covering large parts of the body. So if you get a tattoo and plan on having a successful job, make sure your tattoo is in a place that is not easily exposable, such as the stomach, back, shoulder and upper leg.

Consider the Location

That being said, you have your whole body to ink up if you choose to do so. Be sure to know where you want to put your tattoo before you get one done. As previously stated, be sure to consider your future career.

If you plan on having a professional career, it’s probably not a good idea to get sleeves on both arms. If this is not the case, location is still an important thing to consider. If this is the first time you have ever gotten a tattoo, it is a good idea to get one in a less sensitive spot.

These areas include the lower back, wrist and thighs. Avoid getting one on your ankle or places right above the bone, as these tend to hurt the most. When getting tattoos for girls, be sure to get one in places with a lot of muscle or fat. Women tend to be less resistant to pain, so be sure you keep this in mind before getting a tattoo in certain areas of the body.

Avoid Rash Decisions

That being said, avoid making any rash decisions. As previously stated, many people get tattoos when they are young and regret them. Sometimes things can happen in life where you might feel like everything is spinning out of control. All too often, people make rash decisions when they are not thinking rationally, and they end up making stupid decisions.

To avoid this, really take some time to consider why you are getting a tattoo in the first place. If something recently happened in your life and you need to do something about it to prove a point, getting a tattoo may not be the smartest decision. You don’t want to regret getting a tattoo later in life, so be sure you are thinking rationally before you get one.

Furthermore, youth tend to think they are invincible and make decisions for their look. If you are getting a tattoo to be considered “cool”, don’t get one. You are making permanent changes to your body for the wrong reason. Bottom line: get a tattoo for you and a good reason. Don’t make rash decisions that you will end up regretting in the future.

Caring for a Tattoo


Many people who haven’t had a tattoo before are under the impression that the pain stops as soon as they step outside of the parlour. Unfortunately, they are greatly mistaken. Tattoos require much more care than you might think. A few days after you get a tattoo, you must apply medicine to the skin.

Tattoo aftercare is highly important, so you avoid bad infections. Your pores open up when you get a tattoo, and tattoo ink is injected into the skin. This will cause irritation, swelling and sometimes bleeding. To prevent infection, apply for medicine, bathe regularly, and keep the tattoo bandaged to avoid exposure to the open air.

Possible Allergic Reactions

That being said, it is highly important to understand your skin before getting a tattoo. Most times, those who get a bad rash or infection after a tattoo think it is because their skin is highly sensitive. While that may be the case, it might also result from an allergic reaction. Cases like these are extremely painful and complicating. You will most likely undergo surgery or laser removal of the tattoo to get rid of the reaction.

To prevent anything like this from happening, make sure you know if you are allergic to ink before getting a tattoo. Consider speaking to a physician beforehand or tracing your medical records. Or, if you wish, get something temporary beforehand. The more precautions you take, the safer you will be. Safety is always first, so please make sure you think before you ink.

Getting a tattoo requires much more thinking than you might have thought it did. The most important thing to remember is to think before you ink. Make sure you are not making any rash decisions that you regret later in life. Keep your budget in mind, as well as the image, location and artist you go to.

Start small if this is your first tattoo and get it in a less painful area. Fully prepare yourself for not just getting the tattoo but also for aftercare. If you think it is not worth the pain, get a temporary tattoo instead, such as henna tattoos. Either way, make sure you make the best decision possible, so you don’t end up doing something you regret.

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