How to Find Website Traffic Fast: a Complete Guide

“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” This is a fun question for philosophy students and can spark a robust debate among people.

“If a website is built and doesn’t get any traffic, does it really exist?” This is a more precise question for business owners. You spend time and money on your website, but what if no one comes?

Every site should be focused on traffic but how do you find website traffic? That question sits on the minds of many business owners. Building a site is a good step, but traffic must be the next step.

Below are some simple things you can do starting today to increase website traffic to your site. The great thing is the majority of them are free!

Get Your Site in Shape

Your site must be in top shape for people to stay. Make sure everything is optimized so your site loads fast. Nobody wants to sit in a waiting room for a website to load. You also want a responsive site that looks good on mobile and desktop.

Focus on optimizing all of your content for search engines. Get to know what image alt text does and how to use meta descriptions for strong SEO. There are many sites that give you more free SEO help.

Use internal links within the articles and other content on your site. This will help keep people on your site longer. You also want to try mixing up your style of content. Do long pieces and short pieces to appeal to all kinds of readers.

Find Website Traffic Freebies

Organic traffic is great, but you also want to create ways to directly send people to your site. Social media gives you free tools to highlight different aspects of your website and provide links for people to go there.

Posting articles and content pieces on Facebook and LinkedIn can help you drive more traffic to your site. Take advantage of these free opportunities to show people your content and build a relationship with them.

You can also make videos talking about something that is written on your site and drive people to it. These videos can also be published across different social media channels like Instagram and Facebook.

Check website traffic at competitors’ sites or sites that you often visit and find out what they do to drive traffic. Discover the different ways they drive traffic with their content, headlines, etc…

Put Yourself Out There

You want to be seen as someone who can add value to others as part of your digital marketing strategy. When people see you as an expert and sense that you want to help, they will visit your site.

Start by joining social groups and being an active participant. Don’t go in and talk about your stuff first, but help others and add value to them. There are groups in most of the social media areas that you can join for free.

Be an active participant online. Comment on other people’s blog posts, and on their social media posts. Make sure you actually read what they wrote and make a meaningful comment to connect with them and others who read it.

Guest blog for other people. Find a way to serve them and make their blog look good. Add value to their audience and their audience will automatically want to connect with you.

Find events and conferences that you can attend and participate in. There are local events within your city you can attend. There are also conferences you can attend that can help you build relationships with like-minded people.

Bring Others to You

Invite other people to be guest bloggers on your site. Their audience will likely come and check out what you have. Plus, you will build more of a relationship with them and grow your network.

Interview people of interest for your site. Interview those who you think will be of interest to your audience. Your interview could be written, but you also want to consider filming it so you can add a video to bring variety to your site.

Advertising is one of the most direct ways to bring people straight to your site. However, you want to make sure you research and figure out how to focus your advertising so you aren’t wasting money.

Focus On Your Tribe

One of the keys to digital marketing is building your tribe by focusing on creating a sense of community. People want to be part of communities and you want to build your site to have a community feel to it for your audience.

You can do this by creating webinars and doing other things to add value to your audience. Let them feel like you are there to serve them and they will keep coming back to you.

Create resources that you can give away so people give you their email addresses. Your email list is one of your most important possessions to build your tribe. Create regular content for them so you build the relationship.

Move Past the Guessing Game

To effectively find website traffic, you don’t have to play a guessing game. Take the time to focus on where your audience is and how you can connect with them.

One of the fastest ways to grow your traffic is to get coaching. There are experts who can help you tweak your site and grow your traffic quickly. They understand the world of SEO and can help you with yours.

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