We often try to follow an exercise plan or a diet to the letter, and we are still waiting to see results: what is happening? Indeed we are giving too much importance to some factors while we need to remember others. So today, we talk about the three ways to have a healthy body.
Our body is like a three-wheeled car: if one of the wheels fails, the car will stumble forward or not move. Next, we will analyze the three ways to have a healthy body: food, exercise, and rest.
Healthy nutrition
The three ways of good health are essential: if we want a healthy body, we must first consider whether we have a healthy and balanced diet. I dislike the term “diet” since it implies behavior that will end someday. On the contrary, healthy eating should not have an end date but rather become a habit and a lifestyle.
Start the day with a good breakfast that will be the most important meal of the day, eat something light in the middle of the morning to avoid getting too hungry to eat, take a small snack in the middle of the afternoon, and make a light dinner.
Try to hydrate before you are thirsty and take foods rich in water, such as fruits and vegetables.
Avoid Anti-Aging Foods, such as fast food or alcohol, or limit them to special occasions. Monitor how you cook your food: say “goodbye” to the cakes and “welcome” to the less processed dishes. Be natural: better to a whole orange than a juice brick.
Remember that a healthy diet must also be varied and include all the nutrients your body needs.
Forget about eliminating fats or hydrates because they fulfill necessary functions in our body. Instead, eat what you need (not what you want) in moderation: the middle term is the key.
Daily exercise
There are no excuses for not doing an hour of daily exercise. It does not have to be a high-intensity sport: move, and we will notice a good chance. Our life is becoming more sedentary, so … move!
The first hour of the morning is ideal for exercise: yes, it is hard to get out of bed and run or do squats, but the results are worth it. If you do not find time to go to the gym throughout the day, you may get up half an hour early and practice a little at home.
Going regularly to a gym, where we have all the necessary equipment and the advice of the instructors, is ideal; But it’s not the only option. For example, to sign up for a running group or a Pilate studio, hire a personal trainer; in addition to training at home, there are other possibilities that you can shuffle.
Rest is necessary
You will find rest days in any training plan: rest is the third way to a healthy body, although we often forget this.
Each week we should have at least one day of total rest or active rest: if you cannot spend a day without exercise, you can limit the activity of the rest day to something soft like a walk in the park or playing with your children or nephews.
Try to sleep eight hours a day: I know it isn’t straightforward at these times, but the body will appreciate it. Sleeping helps us to recharge our energy to be active the next day. In addition, it will help us look better: smoother and brighter skin, less puffiness and wrinkles … Everything is advantageous!
Eat well, exercise daily, and rest as you deserve. Turn these three ways into present habits in your life, and you will see how you will smile more in addition to being healthy.
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