Hairstyles For Face Shape And Body Type

If you want to make a successful haircut – examine yourself from top to toe. Stylists state that your image will be harmonious only in case, if you choose a haircut, suiting not only your hairstyles for face shape but also figure in general. The women sheath guide tells about simple rules that help to improve your look.

Fashion and women

  1. Stylists warn: modern fashionable super-short haircuts will suit not all girls, but only to miniature, not tall – like Winona Ryder, Audrey Tautou, Keira Knightley. Ladies with a model height with bigfoot size will look inharmonious with a short haircut – head will look too small. However, there are exceptions. Audrey Hepburn was a “male” haircuts trendsetter and, regardless of her tall height, they suited her ideally.
  2. Will short girls look good with fashionable long locks a la “Hollywood starlet”? Capricious stylists state that such “Little Tiny” look infantile with fluffy flowing hair and people do not take them seriously.
  3. Delicate girls’ trump card is a trendy “bob”. Not too short, graphically clear, elegant, tempting, showing the curve of your neck, but not allowing mixing you up with a boy.

Accent on curves

  • Tall women will look splendid with soft waves reaching shoulders or longer. If your figure is not too feminine, then short haircuts are not recommended for you, as they can add masculine features to your look. Remember an inimitable Fanny Ardan’s image – her slightly awkward figure looked great combined with straight chestnut hair reaching shoulder-blades in adolescence.
  • Straight hair has a peculiarity to accentuate curves of a body in general, accentuate them. So, if you think you have enough curves, then you should better avoid “ironed” haircut. This is good only for expressly “bootylicious” babes like Beyonce or Jennifer Lopez, and only on the scene. In usual life, they also remember a golden rule: ample ladies look better with wavy or curly hair that equalizes body proportions.
  • Do you want to accentuate the beauty of your breast and that’s why you prefer wearing a bun that opens your neck and decollete? This is a successful trick if you are an owner of size 1,2, or, at a pinch, 3. But if your breast is even more impressive, then it will look just colossal and hypertrophied with such haircut. Why should you accentuate things that are evident for everybody? Stream locks and light carelessness create much more sexual image for an owner of massive bosom.

Small ruses

  • If you have thin, not too thick, and fluffy hair, we advise you to get a graduated haircut. This trick will change your haircut in a moment, not only creating volume but also adding vivacity to hair color.
  • You can add volume to your hair the following way. Wash your hair, dry with a towel slightly. Apply volume mousse on roots and twist hair in a high and not too tight bun. Now you should be patient and blow-dry.

Sometimes experts advise making a set on the second day after you wash hair. In this case, your hair will be more pliable.

The haircut is the index of the mind.

  • Psychologists came to the conclusion that ladies with conservative breeding prefer long hair, or these are delicate and vulnerable girls, which like being under someone’s protection – they somehow hide from the aggressive world behind a thick veil.
  • Independent, powerful girls, used to walk along an unbeaten path prefer wearing short boyish haircut. Youthy ladies also choose a short haircut.
  • Hair reaching shoulders say about secret dreams of a princess’s role and meeting with a prince.
  • Hair reaching shoulder-blades, dispersed over shoulders, are called to inflame romantics’ feelings.
  • Accurate, original women, slightly strict while standing up for their rights prefer braiding their hair.

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