Insects are a surprisingly common source of illness, disease, and injury across the globe. If you have got an insect has bitten you you can’t identify, chances are the bite will have no ill-effects. There are, however, a couple of instances during which you’ll want to require extra care with a taste. The following is a list of some of the deadliest common identifying insect bites pictures and some tips for identifying each:
Kissing Bugs
Bite Characteristics: Large, splotchy red bites, typically occurring in groups.
Despite the nickname of “kissing bugs”, there is nothing adorable about bugs under the classification of Hemiptera, which feed on the blood of mammals. Chagas Disease, a progressive illness that may only have minor symptoms in the beginning, maybe transmitted by these insects. As Chagas Disease continues to wreak havoc in the body, it may lead to heart and intestinal complications and can often prove fatal without proper medical attention.
Sting Characteristics: Indented, a crater-shaped wound which is sometimes too small to see–surrounding skin will likely be swollen, red, and shiny.
Certain species of hornet are far more vicious than the familiar yellow jacket, being able to sting repeatedly and releasing a chemical that will attract others to join in the attack. This alone can prove fatal, should the victim have an allergic reaction to the venom. However, even without the allergy, the neurotoxic venom of some hornets is a potent mixed drink of toxins that can cause severe pain, necrosis, liver and kidney failure.
Bite Characteristics: Small, red bump. Possible bleeding and swelling around bites, which usually occur in groups of three or four.
Fleas are quite a nuisance to the family dog. They can pack some powerful disease in their itchy bites, the most notorious being the plague that swept through medieval Europe on more than one occasion. Yersinia Pestis, still very much in existence, will present itself as one of three possible illnesses—bubonic, septicemia or pneumonia. Early symptoms may only resemble the flu, but as the disease progresses, the patient’s lymph nodes will dramatically swell. Patients may experience tissue death or respiratory failure depending on the type of infection.
Bite Characteristics: Round, reddened, raised bump. A bite will be itchy and redden when scratched.
Another usual suspect in the insect world is the mosquito. Like the flea, they can transmit many painful and deadly diseases with malaria topping the list. Patients who are infected with malaria may only experience flu-like symptoms in the beginning, but this disease can lead to anaemia, liver failure and pulmonary oedema. The patient’s spleen may rupture as it attempts to filter out the damaged red blood cells. In rare cases, malaria has led to encephalitis – the swelling of the brain.
Siafu Ants
Bite Characteristics: Indistinguishable from typical ant bite.
It’s easy enough to step over an anthill, but Siafu – African Ants – are aggressive in their ultimate search for food. Not only can these ants attack and destroy a village with an army of 20 million strong, but their onslaught of bites may also send the victim into anaphylactic shock and prove fatal to the young and elderly.
Bite Characteristics: Two bites, with 1-2 mm of space between punctures, bitten area slightly raised.
Though they are not known for attacking humans, some cockroaches may bite, mistaking the victim for food. Even without the bite, a cockroach can be a rich tapestry of disease, viruses, parasites and allergens causing anything from asthma to E. coli to dysentery, even the plague. Cockroach infestations are more than just an issue of cleanliness and require immediate attention.
Suppose you live in an area where any of the above-listed insects are common. In that case, an expert from Solutions Self Chem recommends using both pest control products and preventative strategies to protect yourself from bites. Consider using a mosquito net when you sleep—even in a well-sealed home, check your yard and the exterior of your house for nest building, and see your doctor whenever you suspect an insect bite of endangering your health.
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