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Didaskaleinophobia: 6 Things to Know About Didaskaleinophobia
Didaskaleinophobia Definition
Didaskaleinophobia is a fear of school phobia where children are afraid to attend school. They can feel very isolated, scared, sad, depressed, and...
Social Anxiety: The Social Phobia
Social anxiety is a social phobia that affects millions of people. People who suffer from social anxiety disorder are often more reserved than others,...
Weird Phobia
Phobias are more common than you may think. One simple fear of something or someone else may lead to a real science on dealing...
Tokophobia or Fear of Getting Pregnant
There are many psychological disorders in the world that we do not understand. From common anxiety to ‘out there’ phobias, people everywhere are struggling....
Living with Social Phobia
The curtains part. The audience stills. You step up to the microphone with your carefully prepared lines. You’ve worked for this performance all year....
What Is Agoraphobia?
It is a great big world out there, and as a result, there are more phobias than you can ever imagine. That being said,...
How to Define Agoraphobia Today?
Most people experience some anxiety at one time in their life. Some stress is every day for people in new or unfamiliar situations. If...
According to the British Dictionary, the definition of triskaidekaphobia is "Abnormal fear of the number thirteen (13)." Triskaidekaphobia comes from the Greek words "tris,"...
What is Phobia?
What is Phobia? A Psychological Definition and Applications to the Real World
Kids are afraid of many things…school, failure, bullying, family stresses, loss of status,...
Understanding Xenophobia in Today’s World
The dictionary attempts to define xenophobia as "an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers, or of their politics and culture." While this...